Cocchi story Vol.9

Yoshio Mikamo
3 min readJan 23, 2021

This is our documentation of creating the service. We are going to cover here “Color”, “Synthesis”, “Prototype”, “Selection and Concentration” and “Programming”. (13/Sep/2020–29/Oct/2020)

You can read our pitch deck on Vol.8.


We conducted user tests with different color combinations and decided to use the combination of pink and emerald green.

Color test1
Color test2

Must-have score

We apply a Must-have score to define our PMF(Product-Market Fit), the user. We set 7 criteria and categorized all interviewed people base on a Must-have score correspond to “1:All, 2:≧5, 3:≧4, 4:≦3”.

  1. Go out to eat at least once a week.
  2. It's too much to bother to think about how to use Google Maps beyond navigation.
  3. Using Instagram to search and compare the information.
  4. Having trouble organizing information overload.
  5. Save favorite places regularly.
  6. Go out to lunch/dinner with fixed members.
  7. Actively explore new stores.

The result of the Must-have score was “1:1 person, 2: 3 persons, 3: 7 persons, 4: 10 persons”.


We prototyped a channel page where people can see the maps based on categories.

Selection and Concentration

Pitch to classmate

We pitched our idea to our Indian classmate and got feedback that “map selling idea is interesting!”. In fact, while I am pitching our idea I thought it weird because I am pitching the idea of co-creating a map but emphasizing the idea of map selling.

On the next day, we decided to focus only “map selling” idea because this idea is crazier and more interesting. Therefore, we reset our target, problem, and hypothesis as below.


A person who is not good at making itineraries, but is planning outings and trips for his or her loved ones. (1-day trip)


  1. People end up choosing only famous places and can’t experience unique things because there is too much information on the internet.
  2. People have a disappointing experience in the destination because guidebooks often provide outdated information.


  1. People feel the urge to go out when they find a destination that they don’t know about or not familiar with.
  2. People can have a different experience if they go to stores and places that locals go to frequently.


Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

We didn’t update our blog for a while because I was learning to program while developing Cocchi. We decided to develop Cocchi together as it will be able to do much more quicker iteration for the long term by developing together. I will be able to code the front-end and Atsushi will do the back-end and machine learning parts.

Next Step

User interview and synthesis

Discussion Board

Our weekly discussion board on miro


