Cocchi story Vol.4

Yoshio Mikamo
3 min readAug 17, 2020

This is our documentation of creating the service. We are going to cover here “User Interview” and “Prototype for Group User Testing” (13/Jul/2020–26/Jul/2020)

If you are interested in our short, medium, and long-term plan, check out our previous post.

User Interview

After user interview

We interviewed a 24 years old graduate and a 20 years old undergraduate female student. The actual interview was conducted in Japanese and we gained consent to write about the interview here.

Discussion guide


User test

Working prototype gif


Active group: Friend group from the club activities

Number of people: 3–5 people

Frequency of hanging out: Twice in a week

Place to hang out: Cafe, restaurant and karaoke (after eating out)

How to find a cafe and a restaurant: Instagram

How to share the found information in the group: Share the screenshot of Instagram in the chat

Desire: Users have desires of keeping things tidy and searchability of information based on the fact that they have multiple accounts in Instagram to sort out information by different categories

Next actions

  1. Increase the number of photos on 1 page because our potential users decide on a restaurant and a cafe by comparing yummy-looking and cute photos out of a lot of photos.
  2. Add an interaction of tapping photos because users wanted to see detailed information by tapping photos a lot of times during usability tests.
  3. Add a search box or sort function (including memo) because users would like to sort information based on area and scene such as “#Shibuya #dinner”.
  4. Add a personal page because users have several Instagram accounts to separate private posts and public posts.
  5. Emphasize that “Cocchi” is for the closed community not for the public.
  6. Add a feedback function to friends' posts such as comments or emojis.
  7. Add a photo-editing function to have a more fun experience for posting.
  8. Suggest popular areas based on accumulated posting data.

Prototype for Group User Testing

We are going to conduct group user testing, therefore we are working on the final adjustment for it.

User view

Adding user login, route (route to destination), add (add a picture and comment on the post), and order (Uber eats) function.


Set the dashboard to be able to edit easily without accessing the database.

Next Step

Conduct a group user testing and modify prototype based on our synthesis.

Discussion Board

Our weekly discussion board on miro


